The film.
A nation born in protest of tyranny.
A constitution carefully designed to protect the citizenry’s right to protest.
A populist revolution to secure free speech, civil rights and all the blessings of liberty.
A rich tapestry of music, community, art, activism and hope.So what happened?
Starring: Musicians, Activists, Veterans, and other Patriots
Screenplay By: Efraim Wyeth*
Directed By: Efraim Wyeth
Produced By: Cory Lyons*, Ef Wyeth
These filmmakers began their storytelling journey during the Obama vs. McCain smack down known as the presidential election of 2008. They're in D.C. preparing to document Jon Stewart's Rally To Restore Sanity. Find them on Facebook and Myspace.
*Two of the smartest, funniest, most charming and handsome eligible bachelors I know. Therefore, I also give them my "I'm not a celebrity" endorsement. Ladies, please submit all requests for a meet and greet through me.
2. She's not a housewife. She likes profanity. She's the Stay At Home Babe.
She's smart, funny and sexy as hell with her faux hawk. Read her, love her, buy her t-shirt (coming soon to an Etsy shop near you) then send me a thank you note.
3. Taylor Mali. Poet. Because his words move me. Visit his site for the full version of the poem below.
Silver Lined Heart
I’m for reckless abandon
and spontaneous celebrations of nothing at all,
like the twin flutes I kept in the trunk of my car
in a box labeled Emergency Champagne Glasses!
Raise an unexpected glass to long, cold winters
and sweet hot summers and the beautiful confusion of the times in between...
...But as far as what soothes me, what inspires and moves me,
honesty behooves me to tell you your rage doesn’t move me.
See, like the darkest of clouds my heart has a silver lining,
which does not harken to the loudest whining,
but beats and stirs and grows ever more
when I learn of the things you’re actually for...
...That’s why I’m for best friends, long drives, and smiles,
nothing but the sound of thinking for miles...
...For therapy when you need it,
and poetry when you need it.
And the wisdom to know the difference...
...I’m for crushes not acted upon, for admiration from afar,
for the delicate and the resilient and the fragile human heart,
may it always heal stronger than it was before...
...For walks in the woods, and for the woods themselves,
by which I mean the trees. Definitely for the trees
I’m for all of these...
...I’m for evolution more than revolution
unless you’re offering some kind of solution
I’m for the courage it takes to volunteer, to say “yes,” “I believe,” and “I will.”
For the bright side, the glass half full, the silver lining,
and the optimists who consider darkness just a different kind of shining...
...So don’t waste my time and your curses on verses
about what you are against, despise, and abhor.
Tell me what inspires you, what fulfills and fires you,
put your precious pen to paper and tell me what you’re for!
4. The Black Keys.
Two guys, a guitar and a drum kit. They've got a soulful, earthy funkiness that reminds me partly of the drive across the Golden Gate Bridge to Marin and mostly of filthy, don't get outta bed, all day sex.
5. These monkeys. A quarter and a twist buys you one outside my grocery store. They're silly. They make me smile.